Unsecured Funding
Unsecured WCDL
We arrange Unsecured Working Capital Demand Loan. Wherein NOC is not required from your existing banks. This product is mainly for the companies having minimum Turnover of Rs. 200 Cr & above with external credit rating of BBB Stable and above.
(For all sectors apart from Real Estate, Infrastructure, Steel and Metals Industries)
Ticket Size- Upto Rs. 50 Cr
Unsecured WCTL
We arrange Unsecured Working Capital Term Loan for Mid to Large Size companies with healthy books of accounts, tenure provided is upto 4 years for companies.
(For all sectors apart from Real Estate, Infrastructure, Textile, Jewellery, Steel and Metals Industries)
Ticket Size- Rs. 2 Cr to Rs. 15 Cr
Unsecured Vendor Financing
We arrange UVF for companies having turnover more than Rs. 100 Cr at 0.95% of rate of interest/ month, without any additional Collateral Security or NOC from existing bankers. Eligibility- 1/3 (One Third) of company’s monthly turn over e.g Company’s Rs. 150 Cr turnover per month can have Rs. 50 Cr UVF limit.
Ticket Size- Upto Rs. 50 Cr.
Exclusive Finance Product
We arrange an unsecured funding of One Third of Total Net-Worth of company (Share capital + reserves) for Manufacturing and Service Oriented Companies for tenure upto 7 years.
Ticket Size- From Rs. 1 Cr – Rs. 10 Cr